
Physics Syllabus

2016 – 2017

General Information

 Instructor:                   Mr. Styves Romain

E-mail:                          [email protected]

Course length:              1 year

Required Text:            Holt Physics - California Edition. Student ed. New York: Harcourt School, 2012. E-book.

 NAD Core Standards:

  1. Understand the physical properties, laws and unifying principles of physics, and develop attitudes, values and aspirations that strengthen belief in God as Creator.
  2. Appreciate the generosity of God in designing the universe not only for function but also for beauty and order.
  3. Apply the concepts identified in the matrix to explain, communicate and predict physical phenomena.
  4. Observe, collect and interpret data, make inferences from that data, and value data collection as a means of verifying scientific theories and models.
  5. Use physics equipment safely.
  6. Increase interest and knowledge of physics, by learning from a variety of sources, and applying the knowledge to real-life.
  7. Understand the relationships among physics, technology and society
  8. Increase appreciation for scientific explanations in careers and hobbies
  9. Understand and appreciate that most of the foundational laws of classical physics were discovered by men who believed in God as Designer and Creator.

 New York State Common Core Standards:

STANDARD 1—Analysis, Inquiry, and Design

  • Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions. 

STANDARD 2—Information Systems

  • Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information, using appropriate technologies.

 STANDARD 4—The Physical Setting

  • Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science. 

STANDARD 6—Interconnectedness: Common Themes

  • Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and  technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning. 
STANDARD 7—Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
  • Students will apply the knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address  real-life problems and make informed decisions.

 Course Design:

The course is designed to prepare you for the Physics Regents in June and also and more importantly to give you the Christian perspective to this physical science. God is presented as the divine creator of our physical world and has created laws to explain the relationships between all created dimensions. Special emphasis will be placed on the inadequacy of the models that were derived by fallible man to explain these observations.


This course is a survey of the topics, concepts and methods that comprise the field of physics.  Emphasis will be placed on how physical theories are developed and the progression from Galilean and Newtonian physics to our current understanding, which incorporates quantum physics and Einstein’s relativity.  You can expect to learn about the laws of motion, energy, electricity, waves, and the structure of the atom.  There are also a number of underlying principles and methods that thread through all of these topics.  Thus, in addition to learning specifics related to each of these areas of physics, a successful student will also: Understand what a scientific model is and how it is used in scientific inquiry. Understand the philosophical underpinnings of physics and the relationship between observation and abstraction. Learn physical conservation laws. Improve problem solving and analysis skills. In all, the discipline will be used to help students to have a better grasp of God and His creation.


Homework will be assigned on a regular basis and should be handed in completed with full effort.  These assignments reinforce the lesson and will be checked.  All assignments will be collected and graded.  A homework grade will be factored into your final average.  Work not completed by the assigned due date will result in a grade based on the following:

 Unexcused Late

Submission         Penalty           Other Conditions                                   

1 day late             5% penalty      Penalty is imposed on the student’s earned grade

2 days late           10% penalty     .

3 days late           15% penalty     After 3 days late, no final score can exceed 75%

4 days late           20% penalty

5 or more days    25% penalty

 Classroom Management:

Respect will be given to your instructor, your classmates, classroom facilities and all education materials at all times.  We are working together as a team and we need everyone to cooperate. 

Assessment: Assessment in this course will be based on tests and quizzes, class work, labs, and homework assignments.

Tardiness: Students are encouraged to be punctual to each class. Tardiness and missed classes results in gaps in learning and leads to unnecessary stress. 

Physics Labs

The Regents Examination require a minimum of 1200 minutes of practical work in order to sit the examination you will be required to do these lab sessions  some evenings to be announced each week. Lab sessions will be a maximum of 1.5 hours.

 Required Units:

  1. Mechanics
  2. Energy
  3. Electricity and Magnetism
  4. Wave Phenomena
  5. Modern Physics


Optional Units:

  1. Group 1: Motion in a plane
  2. Group2: Internal Energy
  3. Group 3: Electromagnetic Application
  4. Group 4: Geometric Optics
  5. Group 5: Solid State
  6. Group 6: Nuclear Energy


You will be introduced to all areas of the syllabus but after we have exhausted the core elements and when you are comfortable with all calculations.



  • Quiz                15%
  • Homework      10%
  • Test/Project     35%
  • Class Work      25%
  • Lab                  15%


Detailed Syllabus










Physics ,the Scientific Method and the God of Creation

Student Edition –(SE) Physics


·         Summer Through the Eye of a Physicist Paper


End of Chapter  Questions

3 days

Mathematical Toolkit

1.      The Measure of Science

2.      Scientific Notation

3.      SI Units

4.      Certainty

5.      Displaying Data

6.       Manipulating Equation

Student Edition –(SE) Physics


Chapter 2


·End of Chapter Test

·  Unit Test

6 days


·         Distance and Displacement

·         The Meter

·         Velocity and Speed

·         Acceleration

·         Final Velocity and distance traveled by an object at constant acceleration, average speed average velocity and uniform velocity

·         Free Falling objects


Student Edition –(SE) Physics

Multimedia Equipment

Lab Apparatus

Chap.  5,6

Selected Questions from the end of chapter.

Study Guide Exercises for reinforcement

·End of Chapter  Test

·Test on Chapter 1 and 2

14 days


·         Projectile Motion

·         Force

·         Vector Addition of Concurrent forces

·         Resolution of Forces

·         Equilibrium

Student Edition (SE) Merrill Chap.  4


Multimedia equipment.

Selected Questions from the end of chapter.

Study Guide Exercises for reinforcement.


Test on Chapters 3 and 4

Unit Test on Mechanics



7 days


Work and Energy

·         Work

·         Power

·         Energy

a)      Potential Energy

                             I.      Gravitational Potential Energy

                          II.      Elastic Potential Energy

b)Kinetic Energy

·         Work Energy Relationship

·         Conservation of Energy


Student Edition –(SE) Physics

Multimedia Chapter 5

Selected Questions from the end of chapter.

Study Guide Exercises for reinforcement.


Chapter test at the completion of each chapter.



9 days


·         Impulse

·         Conservation of Momentum

·         Collision

Student Edition –(SE) Physics

Multimedia Chapter 6


Selected Questions from the end of chapter.

Study Guide Exercises for reinforcement

· Test on Chapters 5 and 6

· Unit Test on Energy and Momentum

3 days

Circular Motion

·         Circular Motion

·         Universal Law of Gravitation

Student Edition –(SE) Physics


Chapter 7

Selected Questions from the end of chapter.

Study Guide Exercises for reinforcement

·  Test on Chapter 7

5 days

Wave Phenomena I

·         Simple Harmonic

·         Waves

Student Edition –(SE) Physics


Chapter 11

Selected Questions from the end of chapter.

Study Guide Exercises for reinforcement

·    Test on Chapter 11

7 days

Wave Phenomena I

·         Sound Waves

·         Intensity and Resonance

·         Harmonics

Student Edition –(SE) Physics


Chapter 12

Selected Questions from the end of chapter.

Study Guide Exercises for reinforcement

·Unit Test on Wave Phen. I Chap. 11, 12

First Semester Finals Jan 17 – 19    

11 days

Wave Phenomena II

1)      Introduction to Waves

a)      Transfer of Energy

b)      Pulse and Periodic Waves

i)        Pulse in a medium

(1)   Speed of a pulse

(2)   Reflection and refraction

ii)      Periodic Waves

c)      Types of Wave motion

i)        Longitudinal waves

ii)      Transverse Waves

2)      Characteristics of Periodic Waves

a)      Frequency

b)      Period

c)      Amplitude

d)     Phase

e)      Wavelength

f)       Speed

g)      Doppler effect

h)      Wave Propagation; wave fronts.

3)      Periodic Wave Phenomena

a)      Interference

i)        Superposition

(1)   Constructive Interference

(2)   Destructive interference

ii)      Two sources in phase in the same medium

iii)    Standing Waves

(1)   Reflection

(2)   Resonance

4)      Light

a)      Speed

i)        In space

ii)      In a medium

b)      Reflection

i)        Law Reflection

ii)      Regular Reflection

iii)    Diffused Reflection

c)      Refraction

i)        Effect of a Medium

ii)      Speed of Refraction

d)     Absolute Index of Refraction

i)        Snell’s Law

ii)      Critical angle

iii)    Total internal reflection

iv)    Dispersion

v)      Dispersive Medium

vi)    Non dispersive medium

e)      Wave Nature of Light

i)        Interference of Light

(1)   Diffraction 

(2)   Coherent Light Sources

(3)   Double slit

ii)      Polarization

f)       Electromagnetic Spectrum


Student Edition –(SE) Physics



13 & 14

Selected Questions from the end of chapter.

Study Guide Exercises for reinforcement

Test on Chapter 13

Test on Chapter 14

Unit Test on Wave Phen. II

26 days

Electricity and Magnetism

1)      Static Electricity

a)      Micro structure of matter

b)      Charged Objects

c)      Conservation of charge

d)     Elementary charges

e)      Coulomb’s Law

f)       Electric Field

i)        Around a point

ii)      Between two parallel plates

iii)    Electric potential

g)      Potential Difference

i)        The Volt

ii)      The electronvolt

iii)    Electric field in terms of Electric potential

2)      Electric Current

a)      Conductivity in solids

b)      Conditions necessary for electric current

c)      Unit of current

d)     Resistance of a conductor

i)        Ohm’s Law

ii)      Resistance

iii)    Resistance in a conductor

e)      Circuits

i)        Series Circuit

ii)      Parallel circuit

iii)    Electric Power

iv)    Electric energy

3)      Magnetism

a)      Magnetic Force

b)      Magnetic Field

i)        Direction

ii)      Magnetic Flux lines Flux density

iii)    Magnetic field around a straight conductor

iv)    Magnetic field around a coil of wire (solenoid)

c)      Force of a moving charge carrier in a magnetic field

4)      Electromagnetic Induction

a)      Electromagnetic radiation; moving conductor and induced EMF

Student Edition (SE) Merrill Chap.16-19

Selected Questions from the end of chapter.

Study Guide Exercises for reinforcement.


Chapter test at the completion of each chapter.


6 days

Modern Physics

1.      Dual nature of Light

a.       Wave Phenomena

b.      Particle phenomena

2.      The Quantum Theory

a.       The Quantum  E = hf

b.      The Photon      E = hc / lamda

c.       The Photo electric effect

d.      Photon particle collision

e.       Photon momentum     p = h /lamda

f.       Matter waves

3.      Models of the atom

a.       The Rutherford model

b.      The Bohr Model of the H atom; atom spectra

c.       The cloud model


Student Edition (SE) Merrill Chap. 21

Selected Questions from the end of chapter.

Study Guide Exercises for reinforcement.


Chapter test at the completion of each chapter.




Optional Units

1.      Motion in the Plane

2.      Circular Motion

3.      Internal Energy

4.      Nuclear Energy

5.      Nuclear Reactions

6.      Electromagnetic Applications

7.      Geometrical Optics

8.      Solid State Physics






Student Edition (SE) Merrill Chap. 7, 9, 10, 15, 20, 22

Selected Questions from the end of chapter.

Study Guide Exercises for reinforcement.


Chapter test at the completion of each chapter.



Final Semester Finals June 6 – 8  


Grading System:

The Following System of marking and recording Grades will be used, Numerical equivalents are also indicated.



GPA Points
































62 or less



Please refer to the 2016 – 2017 Bulletin Attendance policy, dress code, computer policy.

God’s Richest Blessing to you in all your scholastic endeavors for the academic year.

Class and School Theme –I can Do all Thing through Christ…