Dr. Olaf Butchma, class of 1980, and medical director of a group of rehabilitation facilities on Long Island, recently reconnected with his alma mater. During a visit with Superintendent of Schools David Cadavero, (Dr. Butchma’s former principal), Principal Lillian Mitchell, and Science instructors Jacques Patterson and Anthony Palmer, Dr. Butchma learned that the GNYA curriculum now includes Advanced Placement classes, and that students regularly earn high scores on the NYC Regents. In addition, Mr. Patterson shared that he was aware of at least twenty-seven graduates in the last eighteen years who became physicians.
Wanting to see Greater become a destination school for the Sciences, Dr. Butchma recognized a need for increased and more advanced lab equipment. He pledged his time and money to meet this challenge.
Boxes of lab materials have been arriving at GNYA each month, as he and the Science teachers plan together. The materials will be used now, and moved into the proposed new lab in the near future.

Mr. Patteron has invited Dr. Butchma to meet with the Science Club during the school year. His counsel will be particularly helpful in guiding students planning to enter the health professions.
-- By H. Mattenson