The Religion Department

The religion department of Great New York Academy is committed to fulfilling five goals. First, to help each student develop a lifelong and meaningful relationship with Christ. Second, to help each student develop the fruit of the spirit in their lives.  Third, to help each student become diligent students of the word of God.  Fourth, to help each student practice a lifestyle that is consistent with the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.  Fifth, to help each student to be actively involved in evangelism, witnessing, and service.

                The Religion Department consists of the Chaplain of the school and all Bible teachers.  There are various ministries that operate under the auspices of the Religion Department: the AYBL (Adventist Youth for Better Living) Club/Choir, Compassion Ministries, In-Reach Ministries, Campus Ministries committee, and Prayer Ministries.  There are also many programs, trips, and events that are planned by the Religion Department. These include nursing home visits, mission trips, “Impact Woodside” outreach, and Christmas gifts drive (for needy children).

                The Religion Department spearheads all Chapels and religious programs on campus.  It conducts two weeks of spiritual emphasis during the school year (including one that is conducted by students), and varied chapel exercises. The chapel exercises include: health emphasis, spirit of prophecy emphasis, lifestyle choices,
current events, evangelism, and cultural history.   The content in Religion classes includes: Seventh-day Adventist fundamental beliefs, marriage and family, life issues, moral dilemmas, prophecies, and Bible studies.  All students are encouraged to make personal reflections and applications, and to put the theory into practice.